SLIDE THE SAVANNAH MT. 3,5 X 7,4 X 6,4 (H)


3 Items

€ 5,523.07


€ 3,590.00

All price is Tax Ecluded

Chiama Ora

  • Colorful inflatable slide Savannah. This beautiful inflatable is equipped with two large palm trees in relief with figures in various portray different animals. The colors are vibrant and it is suitable for all playful activity. The protection network in the upper part gives further security. Conforming to the UNI EN 14960 Ideal for the game parks, amusement parks, outdoor games, beaches, bathing resorts, areas of entertainment in general, playgrounds, rest areas, hotels, restaurants and pizzerias, party room.

    • Dimensions: cm. 350 x 740 x 640 (h)
    • Multiple attacks for the engine
    • Hinges multiple of deflation
    • 1-year warranty
    • Engine included

    DM08052007UNIEN14Format Targhe