Shipments and returns

The shipping of your package

Delivery is normally the next business day following receipt of payment. In the case of a transfer, this term is identified with the actual crediting of the amount.
The goods are delivered by courier and it takes the following times to get to the destination from the time they are shipped from our head office (ATTENTION indicative data):

- Italy: up to 2 working days
- Italy Islands: up to 3 working days.

The delivery terms are indicative and are calculated in working days and is therefore excluded any responsibility of the Play Casoria Srl for any damages arising from early or late delivery, total or partial. If the Buyer is not in order with payments relating to other supplies, the elapse of the term of delivery is suspended and PlayCasoria Srl may delay delivery until the Buyer has paid the sums due. If, for reasons not attributable to the Play Casoria Srl, the Buyer or the carrier from this designated fails to take delivery of the products, PlayCasoria Srl, upon notice to Buyer, may store them by charging the latter with any related cost incurred.

To the delivery or receipt of the goods, the customer is obliged to immediately verify its integrity and if the packaging shows any damage or abnormalities is needed depending on the severity accept with reservation or reject the delivery.

Shipping costs vary depending on the weight and volume and the calculation is automatic.

For methods of return and warranty, please refer to the conditions of sale.